Local Book Groups: register with us to receive a 10% discount on book group titles. Simply give us the name of your group, provide us a contact person and your reading list. We’ll have your titles in stock.
Beagle Men's Group
September 24
Meeting on the fourth Tuesday
this month
John Armbruster

Beagle Women's Group
September 23 at 4:30, and/or
September 30 at 5:30
Meredith, Alone
Claire Alexander
(Topics Explored & Discussed)
September 11
Alissa Quart
Sister Wolf Books Group
September 11
The final Sister Wolf meeting of the season will be a brunch potluck on September 11 at 10:00.
The meeting will be off site. Email Sally, sally@beagleandwolf.com, for details.
The Trackers
Charles Frazier
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