Saturday, September 2, at the Armory
(The store will be open regular hours, 9:00 to 5:00.)
Unfortunate news—William Kent Krueger has COVID. He will be with us at the Armory on Saturday at 1:00 via ZOOM, including a question-and-answer period and will send signed bookplates. We hope you'll join us in wishing him a speedy recovery!
William Kent Krueger
1:00 to 2:30
William Kent Krueger will be with us via zoom, speaking and signing copies of The River We Remember.
The book will be released on September 5, and we have special permission to sell it on the 2nd!!
Join us for this free event. Meet William Kent Krueger, hear him talk about his new book, and get an autographed copy!

The River We Remember is a stand-alone, not part of the Cork O’Connor series.
See reviews of The River We Remember by Doni and Lee.
Amy Thielen
We’re hosting the book launch for Amy Thielen’s new book, Company, at the Armory! Join us for this ticketed event celebrating the release of Amy’s newest cookbook!
Non-refundable tickets will be $50 in advance and $55 at the door. The event will include:
- Hors d'oeuvres based on or inspired by recipes in Amy’s book
- A talk by Amy
- One book, which Amy will sign (Note: please don’t bring in books purchased elsewhere)
- Live music
- Cash bar
- Additional books will be available for $40.00 plus tax.
- Two people coming together wanting to purchase one book? An additional ticket will be available for $15.00

Tickets are available at the store and at shop.beagleandwolf.com.
See Tom's review of Company. |
E. Joe Brown
September 30, 1:00 to 3:00
We’re the last stop on E. Joe Brown’s 3 state bookstore tour. Join us in welcoming him and learning how someone who worked on the Columbia Space Shuttle missions came to write a cowboy/romance novel!
Click for a PDF of this poster.
Last Call for Reading Retreats “Women Pushing the Boundaries”
October 6–8 and 13–15
Three countries, three eras. In all of them we’ll encounter women challenging societal norms meant to hold them back.
Our books will be:
The Woman They Could Not Silence
by Kate Moore |
The Unbreakable Heart of Oliva Denaro
by Viola Ardone |
Bloomsbury Girls by Natalie Jenner:
The paperback will be released August 1. |
If you buy books for the retreat, we expect you to buy them from us. We’ll give you a 10% discount.
Our fall retreats are a chance to get away for a relaxing weekend, talking about books with a great group of women, eating food someone else has prepared, all at a leisurely pace.
Identical retreats will be held October 6–8 and 13–15. Currently we have one room (which can accommodate 1 or 2 people) available for October 6-8 and the October 13–15 retreat is full, with a waiting list. Lots can change between now and October so if you’re interested, we encourage you to either sign up for October 6-8 (a $75 deposit will hold your place) or add your name to the wait list for October 13–15 (no deposit required to be on the wait list.) A registration form is available at the store and will be sent to those who have already signed up for the retreat.
The cost of the retreat is $375.00, due two weeks before the event. If you’re not able to come, let us know right away. The deposit and balance are non-refundable unless we fill your spot.
All participants must be fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID.
How to Request Used Books
If you follow us on Facebook, you may know that on Sundays, we post pictures of recently processed used books with the hashtag #usedbooksunday. This post became so popular that we often were bombarded with multiple requests for specific books. Requests were made on Facebook, messenger, on the phone, and emails to various addresses associated with the store. To keep our sanity and to be fair, we are asking that all requests be sent to info@beagleandwolf.com In cases of multiple requests, the book will go to the person who emailed us first. Thanks for understanding and cooperating with this new policy.
Introducing Tom
Beagle and Wolf is a family store, and another member of the family has begun working here! Tom is Jen’s husband and Megan’s dad, and while you may have seen him around the store in the past, he now has an official role. He’ll be helping with behind-the-scenes administrative tasks and eventually will be working on the sales floor as well. Tom has a culinary background (he was the Executive Chef at Wonewok until it closed) and prepares the Saturday night dinner at our fall Reading Retreats. When it comes to reading, Tom’s favorite genre is fantasy, and he and Jen frequently listen to audio books together.
Hours to change October 1
Beginning in October, we’ll start our winter hours:
Sunday 11:00 to 3:00
Monday–Friday 9:00 to 5:30
Saturday 9:00 to 5:00
Colm Toibin
Likely you are familiar with the Irish writer, Colm Toibin. Did you know his literary accomplishments include poetry? It’s not terribly surprising, and yet, when I hear Toibin mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind are his novels. I’m in “extra awe” of writers who can successfully write in wildly different genres and Toibin has absolutely succeeded in his first published poetry collection, Vinegar Hill.
Toibin’s poetic style reminds me of a favorite quote by Nathaniel Hawthorne: “Easy reading is damn hard writing” which is to say reading Toibin’s poems is not hard work for the reader, and yet it’s beautifully written/executed and transformative, which has got to be damn hard writing for the poet.
There is a variety of styles and lengths in the poems in Vinegar Hill, which are anywhere from four lines to six pages and poems with lines anywhere from one inch wide to four+ inches wide.
The poems reflect modern life, both Toibin-specific and universal, about the mundane, the everyday, the joys, and the painful. At times, the work is funny, in an understated way.
If you’re annoyed by a writer who excels at his craft, no matter the genre, you might not want to read this. For the rest of us, enjoy.
Read the title poem.