Culture Street
3rd Street, which we fondly call Culture Street, is a special part of Park Rapids! Our block includes the bookstore, an art gallery (Studio 176), and a coffee shop (Bella Caffé). As you head west, enjoy the sculptures on the corner of 3rd and Main, and the newly completed mural in Pioneer Park, as featured on Lakeland PBS.
Two blocks down the street are the Nemeth Art Center and the Historical Museum.
Watch our Facebook page for information about what’s happening on Culture Street!

July 4
Heads Up! There WILL be a parade this year—
And we WILL be open our regular hours, 10:00 to 4:00.
Christina Baker Kline
July 7, 6:00 to 7:00
Kline’s latest book, The Exiles, will be released in paperback on July 6. On the 7th, her publisher is offering a free virtual event with Christina for purchasers of the book. Contact us NOW to pre-order a copy of the book. We’ll provide the credentials to join the event. We also will have a limited number of signed bookplates. Note: this event will be virtual, not at the store.
The Exiles is the stunning story of English women who were sentenced to Van Diemans Land, a penal colony in Australia in the 1840’s. Kline’s earlier books include A Piece of the World and Orphan Train.
See Gail's review of The Exiles.

Stephen Schaitberger
July 10, 1:00 to 3:00
Schaitberger will be signing Stands Before His People: Enmegahbowh and the Ojibwe.
Enmegahbowh was the first Ojibwe Episcopalian priest in the United States. During the turbulent frontier days of the 1800s in Minnesota, he worked for peace, opportunity, and cooperation among peoples. His work centered in the Gull Lake area and at White Earth. Schaitberger, who is retired, says he began the research which resulted in this book when he was in the ninth grade!
Phyllis Root
July 17, 1:00 to 3:00
Phyllis Root will be in the store to sign copies of her latest book, Begin with a Bee. We’ll also have some of her other books on hand.
Begin with a Bee and its story of the life of one queen bee, a rusty-patched bumblebee, teaches us not only about bees but also about our own responsibilities in the natural world.

See Ann's review of Begin with a Bee.
Celebrating 20 Years!
July 20
We’ll draw a name to win this month’s bag of books and bookish swag! It’s part of our celebration of our 20th year! Enter the drawing every time you’re in the store, no purchase necessary. If you can’t get in, email sally@beagleandwolf.com to enter. These are the only two ways to enter the drawing. (Note: prize bags must be picked up as we are unable to mail them. We will hold them, however.)
Julie Jo Larson
July 24, 1:00 to 3:00
Julie Jo Larson will be in the store to present a program about her new book, 100 Things to do in the Minnesota Northwoods Before you Die, followed by signing books. The book is a great resource for day trips in the area! “You’ll want to grab a friend or two, a copy of 100 Things to Do in Minnesota Northwoods Before You Die, and your sense of wonder because adventures await you in the Minnesota Northwoods.”
Beagle Books 20th Anniversary Celebration!
July 31, 9:00 to 5:00

In 2001, Jill and Deane Johnson opened Beagle Books because, as Jill said, “Park Rapids deserved a bookstore.” Though there have been changes in both the store and Park Rapids since then, the mission of the store remains the same: connecting readers with books and the wider world, and serving as a gathering place for the community.

Our celebration will include:
Jill and Deane will be here, 11:00 to 12:00.
20% off most items in the store (may not be combined with other offers; special orders not included)
Refreshments from The Cottage Baker
A free book with every purchase
Wear Beagle Books or Beagle and Wolf Books gear and pick a prize!
Two signings!

Peter Geye, reading and signing
1:00 to 3:00
We’ve waited a LONG time to welcome Peter back to the store! The publication of his latest book, Northernmost, was delayed by the pandemic. As you can see, this was a hair-raising experience!
The book will be released in paperback on July 20. It’s the final book of the Eide Family trilogy. We’ll also have copies of the earlier books available.

John Owens, conversation and signing
1:00 to 3:00
One Summer Up North
Come along to a place of wordless wonder: the wilderness of the Boundary Waters on the Minnesota-Canada border. Join a family of three as their journey unfolds, picture by picture, marking the changing light as the day passes, the stillness before the gathering storm, the shining waters everywhere, rushing here, quietly pooling there, beckoning us ever onward into nature's infinite wildness one summer up north.
Photo by Louise Lystig Fritchie
Fall Reading Retreats
Our Reading Retreats are a gift you give yourself. We invite you to spend a long weekend at a comfortable lodge just north of Park Rapids. Be part of a group of interesting women, discussing three books which we’ll all have read ahead of time, relaxing, and eating meals which someone else has prepared.
This year we are having two identical retreats: October 8 to 10 and October 15 to 17. There are one to two openings still available for each weekend.
If you’re interested, call the store for more details. To reserve your spot, send a check for $50 made out to Beagle and Wolf Books with “retreat deposit” in the memo line, as well as the date you’d like to come. Send to Beagle and Wolf Books, Attn: Sally, 112-3rd St. W., Park Rapids MN 56470.
Our theme is “Who Am I? Why Am I Here?” and our books are:
Participation will be limited to persons who are fully vaccinated against COVID.
Now in Paperback

The Pulitzer winner for Poetry is Postcolonial Love Poem, Natalie Diaz
This collection of tender, heart-wrenching, and defiant poems explores what it means to love and be loved in an America beset by conflict.
Other finalists for the Pulitzer Prize in poetry were:
A Treatise on Stars
Mei-mei Berssenbrugge
In the Lateness of the World
Carolyn Forché*
*one of Jen’s favorite collections! ❤
See past Pulitzer prize winners for poetry.