New entryway
Thank you for putting up with construction in front of the store for months! The project is finally done! We’re happy with the way it looks and grateful that the wind no longer throws our front door against the railing.
Kevin Cannon, who does the artwork for the Midwest Indie Bookstore Roadmap, has updated the image for Beagle and Wolf.
It will be in next year’s edition of the map, but we thought you’d enjoy seeing his work in progress. And if you don’t have this year’s copy of the Roadmap, pick one up the next time you’re in the store. They’re free!


Pandemic Updates
As a result of recent guidance from the CDC and Governor Walz, we’ve instituted these changes in the store:
Wearing a mask is no longer mandatory. We do expect that people who are not fully vaccinated, or are at risk, or living in a household with persons at risk will continue to mask.
We’ve removed our social distancing reminders and no longer limit the number of people who can be in the store.
We’ve polled members of our book groups, and all groups will resume meeting in the store.
Summer Hours
Beginning June 1, our hours will be:
Sunday 10:00 to 4:00
Monday to Friday 9:00 to 6:00
Saturday 9:00 to 5:00
As soon as the state-wide social distancing mandate was rescinded, we began scheduling author events! (Our last one was March 2020 which seems like a lifetime ago!) We hope to have such events most Saturdays during the summer, generally 1:00 to 3:00.
Nathan Jorgenson
June 12, 1:00 to 3:00
 Nathan Jorgenson will be signing copies of his latest book, Contrapasso, as well as his earlier books, Waiting for White Horses, A Crooked Number, and The Mulligan.

Nate Jorgenson’s launch event for Contrapasso
Doug Mayfield
June 19, 1:00 to 3:00
Doug Mayfield will be in the store to sign copies of The Saint Patrick’s Day Hero.

Doug and Sally Mayfield during a recent visit to the store.
Celebrating 20 Years!
June 20
We’ll draw a name to win this month’s bag of books and bookish swag! It’s part of our celebration of our 20th year! Enter the drawing every time you’re in the store, no purchase necessary. If you can’t get in, email sally@beagleandwolf.com to enter. These are the only two ways to enter the drawing. (Note: prize bags must be picked up as we are unable to mail them. We will hold them, however.)
David Ralph Johnson
June 26, 1:00 to 3:00
David Ralph Johnson will be here to sign copies of Grand View.

David on a recent visit to the store. |
July 4
Heads Up! There WILL be a parade this year—
Summer Staff
Here are the people who will be at the store to help you in the months ahead, as presented by Megan:
Second Fall Reading Retreat Added!
The Reading Retreat scheduled for October 8 to 10 is full. Still want to attend? We will offer a second retreat (same books, same venue) October 15 to 17.
If you’re interested, send a check for $50 made out to Beagle and Wolf Books with “Oct. 15 to 17 retreat deposit” in the memo line. Send to Beagle and Wolf Books, Attn: Sally, 112-3rd St. W., Park Rapids MN 56470.
Complete information about the retreats.
Diary of a Young Naturalist and Things I Learned from Falling were just released. Sally’s reviews of them are on the Staff Picks page. |
New from Libro.fm
The new app for ios has been released! Details are here.