Jen |

A book I'd like to give:
The Lyrics
Paul McCartney
I happen to know a baby boomer or two who might enjoy this Paul McCartney gem! |
Books I'd like to receive:
Feral Creatures
Kira Buxton
This is a follow-up to Hollow Kingdom, which I enjoyed, so I’d love to read this one too! (Surely it’s as weird and witty as the first!) |

Anthony Ianni
I like basketball, I like memoirs, and I’m interested in learning more about autism, so this seems like a can’t-go-wrong book for me! |
Sally |

A book I'd like to give:
The Midwest Survival Guide
Charlie Berens
When they hear “Minnesota,” some of our friends and family in other parts of the country think snow and cold weather. This book by comedian Charlie Berens may not convince them that Minnesota is habitable, but will be a highly entertaining attempt at trying!

A book I'd like to receive:
The Unwinding
Jackie Morris
One of my favorite books this year was Diary of a Young Naturalist by Dara McAnulty. I saw an interview with him on ZOOM, and he mentioned being taken with the work of Jackie Morris. I think I’d like to be taken with her work, too. The publisher says this book is a book for dreamers, and its purpose is to ease the soul. Sounds like what I need. |

Ann |

A book I'd like to give:
Lightning Strike
William Kent Krueger
If there is a fan of Krueger who hasn't read Lightning Strike, I would like to get a copy into their hands. This prequel to the Cork O'Connor series features Cork as a young boy. The story centers around solving a crime amidst the relationships and tensions that have long existed in this small Minnesota town.
Note: We have signed copies of this book.
See Lee's review.
Books I'd like to receive:
The Steger Homestead Kitchen
Will Steger, Rita Mae Steger & Beth Dooley
This book brings to mind memories of good times spent in the Ely area. Enjoying stories and recipes from the Steger Wilderness Center seems like the perfect way to spend a winter afternoon.
Note: remember what we’ve been saying about disruptions in the supply chain? This book will be released February 1. It may be pre-ordered now, and we’d be glad to give you a gift certificate for it to present to someone on your gift list—or yourself.
Days Like Smoke: A Minnesota Boyhood
Jon Hassler
After reading Staggerford I was hooked. Having enjoyed and been touched by so many of the stories told in Hassler's novels, I am looking forward to reading his newly released memoir.

Bob |
A book I'd like to give:
Lightning Strike
William Kent Krueger
Well, you can never go wrong giving WKK.
Books I'd like to receive:
Led Zeppelin: A Biography
Bob Spitz
It’s always good to know the background of music I grew up on.
Days like Smoke: A Minnesota Boyhood
Jon Hassler
I’m always interested in what others saw growing up when I did. |

Brita |

A book I'd like to give:
Baking for the Holidays
Sarah Kieffer
One of my most treasured holiday activities is baking with my family, creating (and eating) wonderful cookies and other beautiful goodies. Food is art.... and then you eat it.
Books I'd like to receive:
State of Terror
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Louise Penny
I can't wait to read this book by these two insightful, dynamic women!
Winter's Children
Ryan Rodgers
I am a dyed in the wool winter lover and feel the best time of year is winter when you can be out skiing, snowshoeing, woods walking and breathing in fresh cold air. I am looking forward to reading this book. |
The Sentence
Louise Erdrich
As a bookstore employee myself, I am intrigued by this book by one of my favorite authors with a plot about a ghost in the bookstore.
Note: we have autographed copies of this book.
The Woman They Could Not Silence
Kate Moore
I am always inspired by the stories of women who saw inequities and set out to set things right. The work they did has made the world a better place. |

Doni |
Books I'd like to give:
Gastro Obscura
Cecily Wong
For my nephew, who is the ultimate foodie!
On Animals
Susan Orlean
For my daughter, the biology lover. |
Vial of Tears
Cristin Bishara
For my other daughter, who loves a good fantasy! |
Books I'd like to receive:
Cloud Cuckoo land
Anthony Doerr
I loved Doerr’s last book, All the Light We Cannot See, and I’m intrigued by the power of books to unite us.
Note: we have autographed copies of this book .
The Sentence
Louise Erdrich
I love the author and I love small independent bookstores!
See Sally's review.

Under the Whispering Door
TJ Klune
This book looks charming! |

Gail |
Books I'd like to give:
David Baldacci
I can't go wrong when I get my husband a new David Baldacci title, and Mercy sounds like it won't disappoint. |
Raising Ollie
Tom Rademacher
I think my schoolteacher neighbor will enjoy Raising Ollie by Tom Rademacher. Tom has been awarded Teacher of the Year. This is an account of a new school year and his brilliant, art-obsessed child. |

The Fishermen, the Horse and the Sea
Barbara Joose
There are so many great and interesting books for children it's hard to pick. For the great grandchildren books about horses are always a winner as their grandmother has four. The Fishermen, the Horse and the Sea sounds exciting and Pony by well-known author Palacio should be great, too. Pony
Palacio |
Books I'd like to receive:
Narrowing down the list is not easy, because the list is excellent!
Days Like Smoke: A Minnesota Boyhood
Jon Hassler
Days like Smoke will be a good choice for my daughter to add to her collection. Hassler had a summer cottage on Lake Belle Taine and she cleaned for him every summer. |
You Belong Here Now
Diana Rostad
You Belong Here Now by Diana Rostad has to be good since it is recommended by William Kent Krueger!
Poison for Breakfast
Lemony Snicket
Poison for Breakfast by Lemony Snicket sounds intriguing. I got to hear him speak one year at a book convention, and he was fun. |
American Christmas Stories
Connie Willis
One last pick is one for the whole family: American Christmas Stories, a book to be read this year and years to come. |

Gina |
A book I'd like to give:
Led Zepplin: The Biography
Bob Spitz
I think this biography is a must for any music lover. It’s a deep dive into one of America's greatest classic rock bands. |
Christmas is Coming
Monika Utnik-Strugala
I think this would be a great gift for any family to learn more about the Christmas holiday and it's traditions.
American Christmas Stories
Connie Willis
This is another book I think would be great for any family. Start a tradition of reading short stories during the holiday season! |
Books I'd like to receive:
The Death of Jane Lawrence
Caitlin Starling
I am a mood reader and the mood for this season is a bit gloomy and dark. The Death of Jane Lawrence sounds to be a bit of a dark mystery, where things weren't as our protagonist Jane Shoringfield had planned. |

The Sentence
Louise Erdrich
Keeping on with the dark theme, Erdrich's newest novel is set in a bookstore with a ghost and touches on pandemic life.

Where the Deer and the Antelope Play
Nick Offerman
I'll round out my choices with some light and humorous tales from one of my favorite actors. |

Hannah |
Books I'd like to give:
The Man Who Lived Underground
Richard Wright
What a treasure: a book Wright couldn’t get published in his lifetime. It’s about an innocent man who escapes police violence in the sewers under the city. This is incredibly timely now: perfect for people who like social issues in the form of a novel by a fine writer. |

Louise Erdrich
The novel opens with funny Tookie, indigenous but not tuned into traditional life (or into reality really) making a bad decision, not realizing the implications of what she’s doing. She breaks the law and receives a very harsh sentence that clearly reflects the court’s bias against indigenous people.
The novel then skips many years, to her working at a bookstore (Erdrich’s Birchbark Books?) in Minneapolis in 2019. Tookie’s experiences through 2020 make the horrors of that time and place real. Sometimes when I feel anxious for a character in a novel I stop and remind myself that this person doesn’t actually exist. In Tookie’s case that didn’t help. I couldn’t make myself not care: I was deeply concerned for her and had to drop everything to read to the end in hopes that all would be well.
There are layers on layers in this book: it’s a ghost story, and a fascinating look into life in an independent bookstore, and it shares the challenges of modern city life for indigenous people… well, I need to read it again sometime to understand more of the nuances.
Erdrich says her writing process starts the titles. I went to a dictionary (Erdrich begins the novel and her Acknowledgements stories of a dictionary) and looked up sentence. First, sentence refers to the grammatical definition. The word evokes the importance of writing and books that are key elements in the novel, but it’s more specific. The characters talk about perfect sentences. In the climax of the book, searching for a sentence with magical powers is the only hope for one important outcome.
And of course sentence refers, as noun and verb, to the ruling of a judge. Synonyms include “judgment” and “ruling.” But sentence also means “to cause to suffer something” as in (the dictionary’s example): “sentenced these most primitive cultures to extinction. —E.W. Count.” Synonyms for the verb include “condemn, damn, doom.” This novel is about all of the above, with hopes that the last definition doesn’t have to endure in our world.
A bonus: there are book recommendations throughout the novel and extensively in the back matter. Reading Sentence inspired me to finally read Braiding Sweetgrass. I’ll be picking up James McBride’s Deacon King Kong soon.
Louise Erdrich has a Newberry Library interview about the book: you can see it here. You can see her launch presentation at Birchbark Books here. Or read an interview with her in the Minneapolis StarTribune here.
Books I'd like to receive:
State of Terror
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Louise Penny
I love love Louise Penny; I always buy her Three Pines books as soon as they come out. I was hesitant about State of Terror, not knowing how Clinton’s involvement would work. But now I’ve heard that it’s a success, so I want to read it. |
The Woman They Could Not Silence: One Woman, Her Incredible Fight for Freedom, and the Men Who Tried to Make Her Disappear
Kate Moore
I usually read fiction, but this biography by the author of Radium Girls fascinates me. It’s about a woman in Illinois in 1860 whose husband and one Dr. McFarland lock her into a horrific asylum for the insane. Her situation was hopeless and yet she persisted. This one makes the feminist in me take notice. |
Lightning Strike
William Kent Krueger
You had me at William Kent Krueger. That’s all I needed to know. |

Lee |
The books I'd like to give:
Lightning Strike
William Kent Krueger
This prequel is a clear choice for fans of the Cork O’Connor series or for people who would love a northern Minnesota mystery. |
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Anthony Doerr
A tale from ancient Greece is miraculously preserved over the millennia, and this is a beautifully woven tale about the people who accomplished this. |
Days Like Smoke: A Minnesota Boyhood
Jon Hassler
This book was created from Hassler’s unfinished memoir of growing up in rural Minnesota. Both Hassler, who died in 2008, and editor Will Weaver know the wonders of small-town Minnesota. |
The books I'd like to receive:
The Sentence
Louise Erdrich
Erdrich is a such a fine author. I am anxious to read of the haunted bookstore during the turmoil in Minneapolis.
The Man Who Lived Underground
Richard Wright
Rejected by publishers in the 1940s because of the unbearable depiction of police violence, maybe this is now a book that we are able and willing to read. |

Woodrow On The Bench
Jenna Blum
I think every dog owner has a soft spot for tributes to dogs, even those that bring tears. |

Megan |
Books I'd like to give:
Led Zepplin: The Biography
Bob Spitz
I’d like to gift my dad the book Led Zepplin because dad really enjoys Zepplin’s music. I think he’d want to read more about them.
The Woman They Could Not Silence
Kate Moore
I’d like to gift my mom The Woman They Could Not Silence because she loved Radium Girls by the same author. |
Five Tuesdays in Winter
Lily King
One of my favorite customers loved the book Writers & Lovers by this author. If I were to give that customer a book, it would be this one. |
Books I'd like to receive:
Vial of Tears
Cristin Bishara
I really enjoy books about mythology.
Under the Whispering Door
TJ Klune
I’d like this book because I’ve heard the author writes very well. |

The Unwinding
Jackie Morris
This book looks cute and I like the illustrations! |
Pam |
Books I'd like to give:
The Woman They Could Not Silence
Kate Moore
I’d like to give this to my niece, hoping it will inspire her to speak up.

Jan Brett’s the Nutcracker
Jan Brett
This book is going to the families of each of my nieces. |
Books I'd like to receive:
Christmas is Coming
Monica Utnik-Strugala
I love hearing about Christmas traditions from around the world!
You Belong Here Now
Dianna Rostad
This book reminds me of Orphan Train, which I loved. |

Three Ordinary Girls
Tim Brady
I think I’d enjoy this book because I love history. |

Books I'd like to give:
Dear Highlights
Christine French Cully
Because EVERYONE my age remembers Highlights!

Cloud Cuckoo Land
Anthony Doerr
I trust Doerr for a really good story.
Note: our copies of this book are autographed.
Books I'd like to receive:
Woodrow on the Bench
Jenna Blu

I miss my dog Opie. |

Nothing is Impossible
Ted Olson
I will read anything recommended by Madeline Albright!
Guest Reviewer
Our guest reviewer couldn’t wait until Christmas, but recently bought this book and sent this. |
The Last Mona Lisa
Jonathan Santlofer
I bought The Last Mona Lisa last week and finished it in two days. I recommend it highly to mystery readers and art lovers. Though who doesn't know Mona Lisa!
It's a compelling story—all the best of mystery and intrigue with well-developed, interesting, believable characters, plus the wonderful references to familiar artwork and artists, along with time spent in museums and libraries in Italy and Paris, especially the Louvre.
Would you like to be a guest reviewer?
Email Sally at sally@beagleandwolf.com |
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