A Different Distance
Marilyn Hacker and Karthika Nair
Friends, poets, and Paris residents Marilyn Hacker and Karthika Nair wrote a renga (a linked poem) over the course of one year, March 2020 to March 2021. The project was born out of the full lockdown that was declared in France in March 2020. For the most part, the first line of one poem in A Different Distance makes use of a word used in the last stanza of the previous poem. This gave the collection as a whole a very smooth continuity, almost like watching poets bat words back and forth in a tennis match. At times, the poems speak of the universal experience of lockdown and isolation. At times, the poems speak of politics—both familiar and not familiar. And then too, the women share their personal experiences—ie: a battle with cancer and chemo. The collection also has the feel of accidental publication—the reader gets the feeling these two friends would have sent the poems back and forth, regardless if anyone else would someday see them, as though they were writing for an audience of two. Reading this collection is a lovely, lovely experience.
Here's the link on our Indie Commerce site.
Note: an abbreviated version of Jen’s review is in this month’s Indie Next list! Way to go, Jen! Pick up a copy in the store or read online.