
We’re excited about the books in this year’s holiday catalog! Instead of our usual reviews, everyone has shared books from the catalog they’d like to give and those they’d like to receive for the holidays. Recommendations of books for children and young adults are in Youth Yak. |
Jen |

Books I'd like to give:
A Cloud in the Shape of a Girl
Jean Thompson
It’s always good to have a novel at the ready for a gift, and this is a good one. This family saga set in the Midwest is a sure bet for many of the women in my life.

The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers
Maxwell King
Like so many, I grew up with Mr. Rogers on television. I’d love to read all about the man behind the sweater and puppets who radiated so much kindness into the world. |

Books I'd like to receive:
Hope Never Dies: an Obama Biden Mystery
Andrew Shaffer
So this just looks like pure fun—Obama & Biden playing detectives and solving mysteries? I’m in!

Writers: Their Lives and Works
I’m a sucker for biographies and a book full of mini-biographies about writers is just a must-have for the reader/writer/creative geek that I am. Sorted into 6 chapters, starting with Pre-19th century and chronologically working towards Writing Today, this book is filled with both writers I know and those I don’t. Each author gets a 2-page spread, many with a full-page portrait, a mini biography, and other tidbits from the author’s time. The book is published by DK, which has a strong reputation for producing beautiful, well-researched books. I REALLY HOPE MY MOTHER KNOWS HOW MUCH I’D LIKE THIS BOOK :-) |
Sally |

Books I'd like to give:
Nine Perfect Strangers
Liane Moriarty
I’ve read a couple other books by Moriarty—they’re funny page turners which also have depth and emotional engagement. Who doesn’t need a good read like that?

Laurentian Divide
Sarah Stonich
Here’s what Will Weaver says about this book “Laurentian Divide is rich, funny, and overflowing with life—Sarah Stonich at the top of her powers." That’s good enough for me!
The Great Minnesota Cookie Book
Lee Svitak and Rick Nelson
I’ve sampled cookies made from recipes in this book and they were delicious! This would be a great book for someone who enjoys baking. |

Books I'd like to receive:
Sarah Smarsh
Smarsh was at our trade show last fall, talking about this book, and I’ve wanted to read it ever since. It’s both a memoir and cultural commentary and challenges readers to reflect on the class divide in our country. If Smarsh’s writing is as compelling as her speaking, it will be a book with much to ponder.

The Bridge of Clay
Markus Zusak
I loved The Book Thief, and am looking forward to reading Zusak’s latest book. It’s a family saga, centering on the five Dunbar boys, who raised themselves after their father’s disappearance. |


Books I'd like to give:
Desolation Mountain
William Kent Krueger
This mystery is the latest in Krueger's Cork O'Connor series. It involves a plane crash and the disappearance of several first responders. Fans who haven't read the book will be sure to enjoy receiving it as a gift. |

Books I'd like to receive:
A Cloud in the Shape of a Girl
Jean Thompson
This is a family saga following three generations of women in a small midwestern college town. It is recommended for fans of Ann Patchett and Ann Tyler. Since I fit that description and love a good family saga, I'm looking forward to reading this book. |

Sea Prayer
Khaled Hosseini
In this short novel, Hosseini responds to the current refugee crisis.
Hosseini is well known for previous novels, especially The Kite Runner, which was a gripping bestseller. Sea Prayer is described as being written for people of all ages, living throughout the world. I am eager to become immersed in this story concerning a pressing reality of our times. |


Books I'd like to give:
Desolation Mountain
William Kent Krueger
Everybody should read at least one of William Kent Krueger’s books.
Virgil Wander
Leif Enger
A fun Minnesotan book. |

Books I'd like to receive:
Evergreen Tidings from the Baumgartners
Gretchen Anthony
I have a soft spot for anything with humor in it. |

Hope Never Dies: an Obama Biden Mystery
Andrew Shaffer
I need a Presidential thriller that’s fiction. |
Cascade |

Books I'd like to give:
The Immortalists
Chloe Benjamin
I've already bought two copies of this book to give to family members! It is one of the best books I've read this year and has a very unique and interesting storyline. |
1,000 Books to Read Before You Die
James Mustich
This is another book I've already bought to give as a gift. I’ve flipped through the pages of this book and know it would be perfect for any lover and avid reader of books. |

Books I'd like to receive:
I'll Be There for You: The One About Friends
Kelsey Miller
I've been a huge fan of Friends ever since I first laid eyes upon it at about age eight, and I would love to get this book that details the show behind the scenes.

Vote Her In
Rebecca Sive
This book particularly interests me because the 2020 election is the first one I will be able to vote in. |

Gail |

A book I'd like to give:
Annotated Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant
edited by Elizabeth Z. Samet
My son-in-law collects books about the presidents and I'm always glad to see a new one come out about one of the earlier presidents.

Books I'd like to receive:
1,000 Books to Read Before You Die
James Mustich
I enjoy reading books about books and it'll be fun to see if anything I have read is on the list. |

Collector's Apprentice
B.A. Shapiro
The Art Forger by this author was one of my all-time favorite books, so I am looking forward to this new title. This is another historical art thriller, set in Paris in the 1920's.
Northland: a 4,000 Mile Journey along America's Forgotten Border
Porter Fox
I enjoy travel books and this one sounds like a good one. The author explores by canoe, freighter and car. |

Hannah |

Books I'd like to give:
Kingdom of the Blind
Louise Penny
I already bought my copy, but maybe one of the women I’ve tuned onto this incredible series will need a copy…
Marvelocity: The Marvel Comics Art of Alex Ross
Alex Ross and Chip Kidd
My eccentric sister is into super heroes, especially some of Ross’s. (Do you suppose Chip Kidd is his real name? Too perfect for a sidekick of Alex Ross.)

Books I'd like to receive:
The Beautiful Cassandra
Jane Austen
How wonderful: a chance to read what the juvenile Austen wrote and these delightful illustrations! Marvelous.

John Woman
Walter Mosley
I’m a big Mosley fan. His characters are always complex and compelling, as is his prose. The description in the catalog makes me wonder if this is going to be a story about a transexual woman, a timely topic.

Tim |

Books I'd like to give:
Virgil Wander
Leif Enger
If you know a reader who is interested in authors who have a real gift for the conjuring of place and atmosphere, this is a great choice. |
The State of Craft Beer
Matthew Janzen
I chose this book because a friend of mine is interested in brewing his own beer at home; quite frankly, he needs all the help he can get. |

Books I'd like to receive:
The Winter Soldier
Daniel Mason
I've read the first 50 pages of this novel and am taken with the story, time, and place. A young Austrian doctor on his very first assignment to a field hospital, World War 1, rural Hungary, and as you might imagine, things don't go according to plan. |
The Collector's Apprentice
This is an historical thriller set in 1920's Paris, by Shapiro... Seriously! What could go wrong? I'm heading to Paris next fall, and would welcome a pre-treat. |
The Nordic Baking Book
Magnus Nilsson
I'm a fiend for crackers and flat breads. Has anyone noticed that, in general, cookbooks nearly always ignore these gems? In looking through this book, there seemed to be tons of recipes and ideas for exactly these baked goods, as well as hundreds of other treasures. |
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