Registration is open for our Spring Retreat
April 12, 10:00 to 4:00
Early spring weather in Minnesota is so unpredictable! Will it rain? snow? will the driveway be frozen or muddy? We like to side-step all the weather unknowns and schedule a day inside, talking about books.
Whether you retreat with us every year or are ready to take the plunge, join us for a fun get away!
Our theme is "Who Am I, Really?” and we’ll each have read the same two books ahead of time.
The books are The Hidden Life of Cecily Larson by Ellen Baker, available in paperback on February 25, 2025, and Wintering by Katherine May.
The cost of the retreat is $50, plus books.
We’ll be at Northern Pines Retreat Center, just north of town at 20033 County 1, Park Rapids, Minnesota 56470.
For complete details and registration materials, call the store, 218-237-2665, or email sally@beagleandwolf.com.