April is Poetry Month!
For more information, see Paws for Poetry.
 Spring Retreat
April 6, 10:00 to 4:00
We could be spring cleaning, but we’d much rather hang out for a day, talking about books and eating a meal someone else has prepared. Join us!
Our theme will be Mothers and Daughters and we’ll each have read the same two books ahead of time. We’ll move beyond the sentimental mother daughter relationships oftem depicted on Mother’s Day cards and in Hallmark movies to grittier and more challenging relationships.
The books will be Daughters of the New Year and Nonfiction: A Novel.
Both books are available in the store.

The cost of the retreat is $50, plus books.
We’ll be at Northern Pines Retreat Center, just north of town at 20033 County 1, Park Rapids, Minnesota 56470.
For complete details and registration materials, call the store, 218 237 2665.
See Sally’s staff picks for reviews of the books we’ll be discussing. |
Week of the Young Child
April 12, 9:30
During the Week of the Young Child, businesses in town will be opening their doors to young children, offering special activities.
On Monday, April 8, we’ll have a storytime/activity at 9:30. We have room to accommodate 15 children (not counting caregivers and babies.) Please call us at 218 237 2665 to make a reservation for your child(ren.) |

Independent Bookstore Day
April 27, 9:00 to 5:00
We love Independent Bookstore Day! Indies across the country will all be celebrating on the 27th, each in their own way. |
Here’s what you’ll find at Beagle and Wolf: |
Jen and Sally on last year’s Independent Bookstore Day. |
All day
We’d love for you to peek in at our new addition! We’ll be serving cupcakes in honor of the 9th birthday of Beagle and Wolf Books & Bindery. Yes, it’s really been nine years since we combined Beagle Books & Bindery and Sister Wolf Books!
Noon to 2:00
Two of our favorite authors will be in the store, signing copies of their new books and chatting!
Jeanne Cooney |
Candace Simar |
2:30 to 3:30
Six poets will be reading! They’ve part of the Agates IndyBookStore Tour—from October ’23 to October ’24, more than 60 Minnesota poets will read in 30 bookstores across the state. Poets in our store will be Charmaine Pappas Donovan, Dawn Loeffler, our friend Laura Hansen, Ann Marie Newman, Shawna Bullen-Fairbanks, and Marlys Guimares. For more information about the sponsor of the Agates tour, the Minnesota Poets League mnpoets.com.
Also going on throughout the day
Golden ticket Search for Golden Ticket hidden in the store and win 12 free audiobooks from Libro.fm!
Celebrate IndieBookstoreDay with this amazing opportunity—it's your lucky ticket to listen to some great stories! (Participation limited to residents of the United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 years old and older. Full rules for the contest are available at the store.)
All day there will be drawings for prizes...
...and give aways, including 25 posters for Children’s Book Week!

We expect to have additional sizes, styles, and colors of our popular new t-shirt available!
Whew—there will be a lot going on—don’t’ miss it! |

Author Fest call for authors
Our annual celebration of Minnesota writers will be June 15, and we’re now recruiting authors to participate. If you are an author, or if you know an author you’d like us to invite, contact Sally at Sally@beagleandwolf.com. We’ll be glad to share our guidelines for inclusion.
I Cheerfully Refuse release day
April 2
The release of a new book by Leif Enger is a cause for celebration! His latest, I Cheerfully Refuse, will be available April 2. We have signed copies of the book. In addition, Leif will be with us for a ticketed event at the Good Life Café on May 18, 11:30.
Photo by Robin Enger.
H ere's a review by Lee:
The story opens in the town of Icebridge on the shores of Lake Superior, somewhere northeast of Duluth. It is set in a dystopian future where there is a wealthy class that cares little for others, except as they may prove useful. The necessary details gradually unfold, but the larger world is mostly ignored.
The story is told to us by Rainy, a large and mostly gentle man who loves his wife Lark, books, and his bass guitar.
Most of the beginning of the novel is about a life that is, given the circumstances, rather idyllic. But then a stranger comes to town who is befriended by Rainy and Lark.
This leads to tragedies that force Rainy to leave Icebridge, as he tries to find someone or something that may not even exist.
Enger’s prose is wonderful. It is descriptive and lyrical, and it is as good as any found in his previous novels: Peace Like a River (2000), So Brave, Young and Handsome (2008), and—my favorite—Virgil Wander (2018).
Poetry Unbound: 50 Poems to Open Your World
Pádraig Ó. Tuama
A while back, fellow bookseller Rebekah started gushing about an Irish writer named Pádraig Ó. Tuama. And every once in a while, she’d gush some more…… Then bookseller Doni started in on it…….. and I thought OK, who is this?? I’m quite glad to have gushy co-workers, because now I too have discovered the joys of Poetry Unbound: 50 Poems to Open Your World. It comes out in paperback this month (just in time for Poetry Month!) Tuama is the editor of this collection. Each entry begins with a personal anecdote by Tuama, then the selected poem, then commentary about the poem by Tuama. The poems are wildly varied. I’ve been savoring my book by reading one entry per night.
And speaking of poetry month………we encourage you to visit poets.org/national-poetry-month in April. In particular, see the 30 Ways to Celebrate Poetry Month list here: poets.org/national-poetry-month/30-ways-celebrate-national-poetry-month-0.
Three times a year, the American Booksellers Association releases a Poetry Bestsellers list. The most recently published list was January 2024, which can be found here: bookweb.org/news/indie-poetry-bestseller-list-1630129 (oh look, it includes Poetry Unbound! So it’s not just the staff at Beagle and Wolf that are loving this collection!) The next time the list will be published will be in May.