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book coverWarrior Girl Unearthed

Angeline Boulley

book coverI loved Boulley’s breakout novel, Firekeeper’s Daughter, and this sophomore novel is equally as enjoyable. This book has some overlapping characters and settings with Boulley’s first, but it is not a true sequel. Our main character, 16-year-old Perry, is prepared to take it easy and go fishing every day on her summer vacation when she gets into a minor car accident and her aunt Daunis forces her to take an internship in order to pay off the damage to the car. Perry’s program initially bores her, until she attends a meeting at a nearby university and begins to learn about NAGPRA, which is a law that allows tribes to request the return of remains and sacred objects from institutions. Perry is stunned and enraged to learn that many institutions, including the university she attends the meeting at, use legal loopholes to hold on to these important cultural items and ancestral remains. With this new information and purpose, Perry and her friends devote themselves to doing whatever they can to return stolen items and remains, but a sudden murder and the continuing disappearances of Anishinaabe women in Perry’s community add danger to this mission. This is a thrilling YA novel that adults will certainly enjoy. It tackles a number of current issues facing Native communities, like the MMIW Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women epidemic and NAGPRA law. There are helpful resources and further reading about these issues in the back of the book. 

The copies we have in the store are autographed.

Jen Jen

book coverSleep Like a Tiger
Mary Logue, illustrated by Pamela Zagarenski

Recently, we hosted Mary Logue as one of the authors at our Author Fest event. Prior to the event, Mary asked that we bring in her picture book, Sleep Like a Tiger. I wasn't familiar with it, but I'm so glad Mary asked us to have it on hand and you can bet we'll have it in the bookstore from now on!

A girl (possibly a princess) is not tired and does not want to go to sleep. Her parents tell her that's ok - she doesn't have to sleep, but she needs to put on her pajamas. She does but she's still not tired. Her parents tell her that's ok - she doesn't have to sleep, but she should wash her face and brush her teeth... And so it goes, the bedtime routine. Once snuggled into bed, although still not tired, the girl asks if animals sleep - dogs, cats, bats, whales, etc. The parents answer her questions patiently, then turn out the light and assure their daughter that she may stay awake all night. I won't spoil the ending for you. In addition to Mary's lovely, lovely text, the illustrations by Pamela Zagarenski in this book are gorgeous. Believe it or not, the cover of this book is in fact one of the least colorful/interesting illustrations in the book. 

This would make a fantastic "Grandma's House" book.

The copies we have in the store are autographed.

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