September 2014
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Our September Song
As we move into fall, the pace of life changes in Park Rapids as it does elsewhere. Kids are back in school and after-school piano lessons will begin at Beagle. The women’s book group will resume meeting (see details below.) Our events calendar remains full. Here’s what we have planned:
 “Lunch with Lorna”
October 19, noon
Tickets are now available!
That’s Lorna Landvik! She’ll be signing copies of the newly released Best to Laugh and re-released Mayor of the Universe at the store at noon, followed at 1:00 by a ticketed lunch at Good Life Café, which will include a talk by Lorna. There will be a limited number of tickets—buy yours now to reserve your spot.
Greg Randle
September 13, noon
Randle will signing copies of The Last Ferryman at Beagle. In 1939, the only way to cross the river at Millerville Illinois was by ferry. Being a ferryman was in Buck Shyrock’s blood—until the day a project engineer for the erection of a suspension bridge showed up in town. Here’s a picture of Greg at Sister Wolf this summer.

Tim Jollymore
September 20, noon
Jollymore will be signing copies of Listener in the Snow at Beagle. Listener abounds with Native stories, Algonquin legend, Indian characters, and heartrending strife set against the Northern Minnesota snowscape.
September 21 will be the last day of the 20th season at Sister Wolf.
We’ll be open daily until then, but with shorter hours than in the summer.
Mondays through Wednesdays we’ll be open 10:00 to 3:00;
Thursdays through Sundays we’ll open at 10:00 and close 7:00/8:00 ish.
You’ve helped make our 20th year memorable! Thank you for your friendship and support.
Mark Munger
September 27, noon
Munger will be signing copies of Sukalaiset: the Kindred, his long awaited novel of Finnish and Estonian diaspora set against a background of love, war, and the Holocaust. This book, an historical novel of epic proportions, is a sequel to the best-selling Suomalaiset.
 Do you have any books
by Minnesota authors?
We know our customers are interested in books by Minnesota authors. We stock many such books at both stores, and Jen has come up with a great way to help you locate them. Simply look for books with a Minnesota sticker on the spine or cover. We’re working on getting books stickered and eventually, you’ll find stickered books throughout the store. For example, the books pictured are from the Midwest Connections display and the young adult room. Let us know what you think! If they’re helpful at Beagle this fall, we’ll use the stickers at Sister Wolf in the spring.
Ta-da—for the first time ever, we’re including a recipe in the newsletter!
At the potluck for book groups at Sister Wolf in July, Jeannette’s Wild Rice Salad was a hit, and she graciously shared the recipe. |
Jeannette’s Wild Rice Salad
Mix together:
1 cup wild rice, cooked and drained
10 oz. bag of frozen peas, thawed and drained
4-6 green onions, sliced
1 small jar marinated artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
Half a pint of cherry or grape tomatoes, cut in half.
Before serving, add a cup of your favorite vinegar and oil dressing |
Introducing Al
We recently welcomed Al to the staff of Beagle Books. Al has moved to Park Rapids, his summer home, to live full time after retiring from a career of teaching in Mankato. He’s always been in love with books and is excited to embark on a second career working with them. You’ll find him knowledgeable about books and easy to talk to. Come in to meet Al and help us welcome him to Beagle Books!
BestSellers in August
Beagle Books
Orphan Train
Windigo Island
The New Midwestern Table |
Best of Itasca |
Ordinary Grace
How Do You Walk the Walk You Talk? |
The World's Strongest Librarian |
Sister Wolf Books |

Cooking with Bobby |
Orphan Train |
Ordinay Grace
Bohemian Flats |
Hot Dish Heaven
The Girl who Sang
to the Buffalo |

Midwest Connections
Books or authors of particular interest to our region
Dear Committee Members
by Julie Schumacher
Here’s what our colleague, David Enyeart from Common Good Books in Minneapolis, says about this book:
“Julie Schumacher packs a lot into Dear Committee Members. This novel-in-letters is a campus comedy, a bookish roman a clef, and a romantic satire. Throw in an acid-tongued narrator with a wicked sense of humor, and you’ve got a summer book that goes down as easily as lemonade on a hot day.”
Good Food from Mrs. Sundberg’s Kitchen, A Cookbook
by Holly Harden
The Prairie Home Companion star steps to the front of the stage with this charming, essentially Midwestern book of recipes. Over the years, Mrs. Sundberg has gathered the best recipes this side of Lake Wobegon. This book is a return to simple food, lovingly prepared, sure to please. Menus are planned around shared life events, from holidays to funerals to vacations to Saturday night suppers, featuring more than 160 basic recipes with common ingredients already in your pantry. And on top of it all, read a few of Mrs. Sundberg’s stories and thoughts on ordinary life.
Here’s a picture of author Holly Harden at Sister Wolf books in June.

The Scavengers
by Michael Perry
Many of us are familiar with Michael Perry’s books of non-fiction, such as Truck and Coop. Now we can share his work with the young adults in our lives, as he’s begun writing for them. In Scavenger, the government gave everyone two choices when the world started to fall apart: move into the Bubble Cities…or take your chances outside. Twelve-year-old Maggie and her family chose the latter and live in the world that was left behind. This wholly original tween novel combines a page-turning adventure, heartfelt family story, and triumphant journey of self-discovery. Perry achieves the perfect mix of humor and heart in a world where one person’s junk is another person’s key to survival.