December 2014
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Your friends at Beagle Books & Bindery and Sister Wolf Books
send best wishes for the holiday season!
The store is decorated inside and out, and we’re stocked with great items for Christmas: books, cards, jewelry, toys and games—plus complimentary gift wrapping. And we ship.
Be sure to look at our catalog for great gift ideas. The catalog is available in the store, or download it here.
And In the midst of the busy-ness of December, do remember to take time for yourself to curl up with a good book! |
December 6—St. Nicholas Day—at Beagle Books
We’ll have three authors in the store, signing copies of their books. All of these books would make wonderful gifts—for you or someone else!
Don Houseman will be here from 10:00 to 11:30, signing copies of his children’s picture book, Christmas Comes to Harvey and his Friends.
At noon, Jill and Deane Johnson will be in the store, signing copies of Little Minnesota and Best of Itasca. Deane’s greeting cards will also be available.
December is a great month for movies...
...and it's not too late to read the books two movies are based on!
Wild, based on the book by the same name, releases on December 5. It’s about the 1,000 mile hike author Cheryl Strayed made on the Pacific Crest Trail.
Check out the trailer.
The movie version of Unbroken will release on Christmas Day.
Here's the trailer for Unbroken.
We have copies of both these books in stock.
—And looking ahead to January—
Be one of our staff for a day!
Looking into the new year, we’ll be doing inventory on January 4, and are looking for volunteers to help us. We’ll feed you and give you the staff discount for the day! Let Jen or Sally know if you’re interested.
And save the date...
Mark January 17 on your calendar—
that’s the date for our annual Night In!
BestSellers in November
High Diveide
And There Was Light |
Goodnight Loon |
Hot Dish Heaven |
The New Midwestern Table |
Diary of a Wimpy Kid:
The Long Haul |
Jesus Calling |
Star Bright:
A Christmas Story |
A Hollywood Tail |

Midwest Connections
Books or authors of particular interest to our region

Winter Bees
An Illustrated Poetry Book for Children
by Joyce Sidman and Rick Allen
In this outstanding picture book collection of poems by Newbery Honor-winning poet, Joyce Sidman (Song of the Water Boatman, Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night), you’ll discover how animals stay alive in the wintertime and learn about their secret lives happening under the snow. Poems are paired with stunning linoleum print illustrations by Rick Allen in this book that celebrates nature’s beauty and power.
Sins of Our Fathers
a novel by Shawn Lawrence Otto
JW is a small-town banker. His specialty: teaching other bankers in towns near Indian reservations how to profit from casino deposits without exposing themselves to risk. His problem: having lost his son in a car accident a year ago, JW is depressed, his wife is leaving him, and he can’t stop gambling.
When he’s caught embezzling funds to support his addiction, JW’s boss offers him a choice. He can either accept responsibility and go to prison, or use his talents to sabotage a competing Native American banker named Johnny Eagle. With the clock ticking, JW moves into a trailer on the reservation within sight of his prey. But as he befriends Eagle and his son, JW finds that his plan to reclaim his freedom will be more dangerous than he ever could have imagined.
This book is published by Milkweed Editions, a Minnesota publisher, and they’ve sent us great bookmarks which look like 5$ bills! We’ve tucked one into every copy of the book on our shelves.
Chasing Weather: Tornadoes, Tempests, and
Thunderous Skies in Word & Image
You don’t have to be a weather geek to appreciate this book of poetry and photographs! Weather subtly shapes our days, infuses our moods and interactions, and at times, completely re-orients our lives. Catching moments of stunning beauty and surprising shifts in the sky helps make the vibrant and variable world more visible to us, and shows us how to truly see where and who we are.
Here’s a trailer which will give you the flavor of the book.