We hope your resolutions included making time for reading! This edition is full of suggestions of books and an event to help make your resolution a reality. If you got an e-reader over the holidays, remember that you can download books from Beagle Books! Call or e-mail if you’d like us to walk you through the process.
A Celebration of Life
Kathy Wanvig was part of the staff at Beagle Books & Bindery for several years. Her warmth, graciousness, and helpfulness made her an integral part of the store. Kathy died on December 15 after a short illness. Here’s a picture of Kathy (on the right) in a 2006 production at Long Lake Theater. It reminds us of her zest for life, and willingness to try new things.

Kathy’s obituary in the Star Tribune.
Annual Night In
Does the thought of winter in northern Minnesota have you down? We have an antidote—our yearly Night In, an evening just for book group members or wannabes! Join other book lovers at 7:00 pm on January 19 at Beagle Books & Bindery to drink wine and lattes, munch on yummy snacks, and hear about 21 books Jen and Sally think would be great for book groups. Everyone will receive a bag of book-related information and a brochure listing all the books presented. Chances are good that you’ll win a door prize donated by one of the publishers sponsoring the event. That evening, we’ll offer a 20% discount on the books we feature. Bring a friend, your entire book group, or come by yourself for an evening which will warm your book-loving heart!
World Book Night
Spreading the Love of Reading, Person to Person!
Beagle Books will be a host in this exciting event! On April 23, free books will be given to people who don't regularly read, across the country and in our community.
Thirty book titles have been chosen by an independent panel of librarians and booksellers. Authors and publishers are generously making the books available at their own expense.
We need volunteers to help deliver books: the deadline for signing up is January 23. To learn more, download a pdf about the event, including the list of books, or go to WorldBookNight.org.
Top Ten Lists
We didn’t need late night TV to generate our own Top Ten lists! Below is the list of our top selling adult books for 2012. (Lists for youth and children are in Youth Yak.)
10. Iron Lake, William Kent Krueger
9. Northwest Angle, William Kent Krueger
8. Wingshooters, Nina Revoyr
7. In the Garden of Beasts, Erik Larson
6. Tiger’s Wife, Tea Obreht
5. The Language of Flowers, Vanessa Diffenbaugh
4. The Reading Promise, Alice Ozma
3. Fifty Shades of Grey, E. L. James
2. Trickster’s Point, William Kent Krueger
Ta-da—our bestselling book (by a huge margin) was Little Minnesota, by the founders of Beagle Books, Jill and Deane Johnson!

Midwest Connections
Books or authors of particular interest to our region
The History of Us
by Leah Stewart
In this novel, three grown siblings return to their childhood home and face a family secret that forces them to reexamine their relationships to each other—and to the aunt who took them in as children.