The lights were lit on the Christmas tree in downtown Park Rapids last week, signaling the beginning of the season! At Beagle Books, we have Christmas cards, stocking stuffers, games, toys, puzzles, jewelry, and much more. Our shelves are full of wonderful books, including many Christmas books and books from our catalog. Catalogs are available here or in the store. As always, we welcome special orders.
Our newsletter format is a little different this month. In Staff Reads we’ve asked staff members to highlight books from our catalog, and we asked the children of staff members to recommend books as well.
All of us at Beagle Books & Bindery and Sister Wolf Books wish you a joyous holiday season!
e-readers and e-books!
It's worth saying again that we're now selling Kobo e-readers, accessories, and e-books. Kobo’s e-readers are best sellers in 200 countries around the world. Inspired by a "Read Freely" philosophy and a passion for innovation, Kobo is one of the world's fastest-growing eReading services. Read Freely stems from Kobo's belief that consumers should have the freedom to read any book, anytime, anyplace—and on any device. They believe open standards for eBooks are best for consumers, publishers, retailers and hardware manufacturers. Closed systems stifle innovation and growth. Kobo encourages users to read Kobo-purchased eBooks on smartphones, eReaders, laptops, or whichever devices they choose. Their catalog includes over 2.5 million e-books. If you are considering the purchase of an e-reader, stop in and let us show you what Kobo has to offer.
Order e-books here!

Jingle Bells Sweepstakes
Until December 10
Shop local at participating stores and earn tickets for great prizes. Beagle gives double tickets every day!